Tagged: Ballinadee


Ballinadee: 16th June 2024

As we are all too aware, Spring 2024 was a wet one, resulting in farming activities set back by six weeks or so.  This means that once the dry spell takes place, the country side will look lush and green. And so it was on...

Ballinadee 26th June 2022

It is hard to believe that three years have passed since we were guests of the O’Neill family in Ballinadee.  Much has happened since.  We endured COVID 19 and for all intents and purpose we were shut down.  What a pleasure it was for us...

Ballinadee June 2018

Members foregathered at the homestead of John & Mary to welcomed for morning refreshments  in sunny Ballinadee on Sunday 9th June 2018. Kilpadder Famine Burrial Ground, Innishannon, Co. Cork Our first stop along the way was at Kilpadder famine burial ground near innishannon, Co. Cork. Our...

Ballinadee June 2016

Ballinadee June 2016

We foregathered at the home of John and Mary on Sunday 12th June 2016 for our first summer run of the year to be greeted by our hosts, family and grandchildren for morning coffee and fresh buttered scones. A chance to say hello to the members...

Ballinadee August 2015

De Courcey Vintage Club held their annual harvesting festival at Ballinadee, Co. Cork on the Monday of the August Bank Holiday week end. Weather was bright and breezy and ideal for corn cutting and after ploughing. John is Chairman of the Club and a crack...

Ballinadee October 2014

Welcome to Ballinadee for our Autumn Run 2014. The annual Ballinadee Model T run took place on Sunday 5th October 2014. As is our custom we gathered in the home of John and Mary O’Neill for tea, coffee and Mary’s delicious scones before heading off...