About Us

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A one marque organisation catering for early Ford is what makes the Irish Model T Ford Club unique. Prospective owners of a Model T Ford are always welcome to make contact with our membership who will be pleased to present a Model T Ford and demonstrate its special characteristics and driving experience.

The Club is now in existence for 25 years and has an active membership in excess of 130 who hail from around the whole of Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales and USA. If, on average, a typical member is the owner of two Ts, then there exists collectively among our membership in excess of 250 Ts.

The Club organises seven rallies each year from Spring to Autumn, together with a week-end maintenance course in mid-October. 

The club’s newsletter THE IRISH T TIMES is circulated to members on a bi-annual basis and is a full colour edition with news, reports and details of up-coming events.

Don’t roll those bloodshot eyes at me – Muriel O’Connor & Fran Curry [Car Driver/Owner is Patrick Daly from County Tipperary, a long standing member of our Club]

Cork and Ireland have deep bonds and associations with the Ford family.  Henry Ford’s father emigrated from Ballinascarthy in County Cork to United States of America as did his mother who hailed from Fair Lane in Cork City. The first manufacturing plant built outside USA was located at Marina in Cork City, initially producing Fordson Tractors for Ford’s global market.

Production started in 1908. Worldwide manufacturing continued where in excess of 15 million vehicles were produced. During the 18 year production run half of the world’s vehicle population were Model T Fords. Cars, Vans and Trucks were assembled in the Cork plant of Henry Ford & Son Limited from 1923 to 1927 where 10,000 units were made.

For Membership Enquiries please email The Honorary Secretary

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