Tagged: Brass Brigade Run
In early February last, word got out via social media that the 2022 Brass Brigade would take place towards the end of September, the rally base would be in Clonmel, County Tipperary and the accommodation and meals would be provided by the Minella Hotel. On...
We were all pleased to receive an email in mid summer to the effect that all going well and with health regulatory approval, the delightful Brass Brigade would take place in early September 2021 where the rally base would be at Lyrath Estate, a quick drive...
Whilst not a Club event, the Annual Brass Brigade is one that receives wholesome support from our members. Martin, a kind enthusiast presented us with a compendium of photographs for our enjoyment.
To complement the enjoyment of the Brass Brigade week end in Kilkenny in August, vintage enthusiast Martin Taylor kindly offered his collection of photographs which we have accepted with thanks. This is the third and final lot of images. Browse and enjoy.
Nuala Grogan, a member of Carlow Camera Club was on hand with her photographic equipment taking images on the action over the week end of 26th August 2018 for the occasion of the 5th annual Brass Brigade organised by IVVCC. She kindly donated the images of...
Not a club event but one supported by many members of The Irish Model T Club to the extent that out of a roll call of 50 brass cars, 24 were from our membership. Perhaps 50% represents that number of cars in the early part...
Out of an entry of 90 brass cars, all up to 1918, there were 33 Model T Cars plus a Model N, a splendid representation of our historic vehicle. Shane Houlihan, chief organiser, member and T owner complimented Club members for their sterling support of...
Members individually applied for participation in the second Brass Brigade week end run where rally headquarters were at The Park Hotel in Dungarvan. A sponsored event made the occasion very good value for money which was appreciated very much given the top quality service we experienced...