The call was out, for an exhibition of as many Model Ts that we could muster, to recognise the 60th anniversary of the…
Raymond Megaw, our host for the second segment of our 35th Annual Rally, based at Carrickdale Hotel car park, was on hand to…
At Carrickdale Hotel, Dundalk, an assembly of members and friends took place on Saturday morning at 9:30 am where more than fifty Model…
Out of the blue the CEO of Marina Markets in Cork asked whether we could help with a task that would be well…
Readers may recall that at our last AGM, John O’Neill sought support for the second annual Classic Fest, a static display of interesting…
As we are all too aware, Spring 2024 was a wet one, resulting in farming activities set back by six weeks or so. …
The front page of the drivers’ instructions for the 2nd North Cork Model T Run has a village photo taken in the early…
John Brady, our newly elected president stood by David and Marian Cuddy as they welcomed members and friends to the 20th annual spring…