IMTFC AGM – 26th March 2023

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The AGM was held on Sunday 26th March 2022 at The Maldron Hotel, Portlaoise at noon. 

PRESENT:   Paul Murphy (President), Matthew Byrne, Andrew O’Sullivan, Eamon Dunne, Tim Crowley, Elizabeth Kee, Sean McEvoy, James Stinson, Paul Noctor, Liam O’Connor, John O’Neill (Cork), John Quinn, Michael Rigney, Michael Loughran, Olene Megaw, Raymond Megaw, Tony Sheridan, Peter Duffy, John Hendy, Ann Duffy, Eleanor Hendy, John O’Neill (Dublin)  Maire Jones, Valerie Cuddy, Gill Vahey, John Vahey, Martin Fleming, John Brady, Conor Twohill, Joan Twohill, Kieran Reid, Alan Coote, Sandra Coote, Tim Keane, Declan Grogan and William Cuddy. (36)

APOLOGIES:   Lorraine Dunne, Vincent Kelly, David Cuddy, Clive Evans, June Evans, Robert Clarke, Gerry Crowley, Michael Harris, Alan Deasy, Thomas Connor, Rev Fr. Pat O’Donovan PP, Michael Nolan, Patrick Daly, Teddy & Maureen Gillanders, David Hore, John & Ann Eagers and Robert Lambert (19).

President Paul Murphy opened the proceedings. He thanked the members in attendance and those who sent in apologies for absence beforehand, noting that it was the largest ever turnout at an AGM.

At least 21 clear days of notice for the holding of the AGM was given to members by e-mail.

A record of those in attendance and apologies for absence was recorded by the secretary.

TREASURER’s REPORT:   Timothy Keane presented his treasurer’s financial report for the one year ended 31st December 2022. 

He advised that a soft edition of the condensed accounts was circulated in advance to every member.  He reported that the financial results showed a positive position and that club revenue reserves at the year-end were enhanced to €10,000, a goal that has been achieved after many years of operating our club at minimum cost and value for money for members at an annual subscription of €10 per member. 

He reported that insurance costs over the past 30 years had cost €500 per annum but while recently making deep enquiries from the insurance providers, it would seem that should an unfortunate incident arise and an insurance claim made, it was unlikely to result in a positive outcome. 

He was very pleased to note that we have this year 126 paid up members which together with our four honorary members made up a total of 300 active member of our club. 

As a service to our members and for the benefit of our administration, we have a facility on our website for the payment of annual subscriptions, rally fees and club clothing.  This has proven to be successful with other clubs and it is hoped that members will avail and take advantage of this facility.

SECRETARY’s REPORT:    William Cuddy, in his capacity as honorary secretary spoke of the activities of 2022, where the club had become alive following two years of hibernation caused by Covid-19. 

He thanked our hosts for facilitating events during the year; David & Marian Cuddy in April, Alan and Sandra Coote in May, John & Mary O’Neill in June, Michael and Joan Rigney in July, Paul Murphy & John Hendy in July, Clive and June Evans in August and Sean McEvoy in September.  Noted that the weather was kind and all trips were carried out with accustomed efficiency and safety.

On communications, the secretary reported that apart from one single mail shot of our newsletter The Irish T Times, everything is now done via e-mail and the internet.  For us the postage costs are too high as well as the amount of physical labour required to fold, staple, package and post out more than 300 newsletters.  He expressed his sincere thanks to Michael Beeney in Belfast for his work and dedication in making our website a class leader in its field of car clubs where after each run or event, a compendium of photographs is published together with a short essay of the happenings is recorded for all to see.  We are happy we get a broad number of visitors from around the globe who no doubt are regular internet friends of ours.

We are delighted to record an ever-increasing number of new members in our Club.  In the past twelve months we accepted invitations to join from 18 of which 3 are from United States of America, 1 from United Kingdom and 1 from Northern Ireland.  Let it be recorded that we especially welcome Jennifer Hickey as a Lady member.   To them all we extend our welcome to our club and hope that they will participate and share in friendship and enjoyment of our wonderful Edwardian vehicles.

To Lorraine Dunne and Vincent Kelly, the club owes much thanks for the wonderful work and service they provide in managing our clothing department.  Many onlookers have commented how well both our cars and ourselves are turned out in promoting the Model T brand making it one of the better-known old car clubs in our country.  We have the advantage of being a one marque club where knowledge is generously shared, thus relieving the pressures of the unknown mysteries that are part of the hobby.

We were very sad to learn of the deaths of three active members during last year.  In the obituary section of our Spring 2023 newsletter, we duly acknowledged their past presence as active club members.  To the families of Renee Twohig, Benny O’Gorman and Denis Brenan we extend our sincere condolences.  May their souls rest in peace.

PRESIDENT’s REPORT:   Paul Murphy then addressed his members.  He thanked them for their confidence in electing him at last year’s AGM.  It is his pleasure to serve the membership and promote our club across the country and elsewhere. 

He paid tribute to our immediate past President Ann Duffy for steering our club through the dreadful two years of Covid-19 and in her own way of keeping the club focussed on its long-term ambitions.

He was especially grateful to the many members who undertook voluntary service in making our club function and work so well.  We had a successful line up seven separate events across the island of Ireland which were all enjoyable and carried out with skill, efficiency and safety.

Our 33rd Annual Rally was based in Cork in 2022 and attracted 20 members from The Model T Register of Great Britain, to whom he was proud to extend a Chead Mile Failte.   He thanked Michael and Joan Rigney for their hard work and dedication in securing interesting places to visit and people to meet over the two-day rally in early July 2022.  Lots of short spins and long stops that really make for socialising, laughter and shear enjoyment of our hobby. 

He complimented Lorraine and Vinny for making our club clothing available to members and visitors alike.  Sales were brisk and customers happy with the value for money and quality clothing on offer. 

He thanked Timothy Keane our honorary treasurer for 34 years of continuous service of keeping fiscal matters in check where our club’s finances are safe, sound and sufficient for purpose.

He welcomed Declan Grogan to his first AGM as a member of our club and wished him well in taking up forthcoming appointment as President of IVVCC in mid-year.

He welcomed our 18 new members.  He regretted to learn of the death of 3 members.

In conclusion, he said it was his honour to serve as President of The Irish Model T Ford Club, be associated with a string of activities throughout the year in the knowledge that we are in a healthy state of affairs all round.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS:  The election of officers then took place.  Each office was properly proposed, seconded and elected by acclaim as follows:

President  Paul Murphy
Honorary Treasurer Timothy Keane
Honorary Secretary William Cuddy
Chairman   Conor Twohill

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS:            Agreed to maintain annual subscriptions at €10 per annum with a charge of €5 per day.  Expenses continue to be kept to a minimum.  There are sufficient cash reserves to tide over the club over.

2023 EVENTS:    The meeting approved the schedule of events for year 2023 as follows:

23rd April  David & Marian at Adare
14th May   Alan & Sandra at Virginia in May
18th June   Robert & Catherine at Bandon June
7th/9th July   Jerry & Una Crowley in Kilkenny
6th August  John & Paul at Stradbally Steam Fair
13th August   Liam & Margaret O’Connor at Mallow
10th September Sean McEvoy at Portlaoise
October   is awaiting a volunteer

OBITUARIES        Obituaries were recorded for deceased members, remembered with sadness and fondness; Renee Twohig, Benny O’Gorman and Denis Brennan.

NEW MEMBERS:               The AGM was pleased to hear of the admission of 18 members, some of younger calibre, a lady  and others helping to reduce somewhat the club’s overall age profile.

PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE:    Following on from the treasurer’s report on the lack of availability of third party insurance it was agreed to take up the recommendation of IVVCC’s incoming president Declan Grogan to speak with the relevant personnel in AXA Insurance Company to see whether realistic cover may be obtained at reasonable cost.  Members will be informed of the outcome in due course.  Meanwhile the club functions as a company limited by guarantee, has internal corporate governance procedures in place and all members of our club conduct themselves in accordance with the various Traffic Act(s) legislation that is in place.

34th ANNUAL RALLY:       The members look forward to our visit to Kilkenny City where Jerry & Una Crowley will host the 34th Annual Rally.  Details have already been circulated with an expectation that we will have a good turnout with visitors from the Model T Register of GB in attendance.

35th Annual Rally:             Agreed that the 2024 event will take place in July 2024, a combination of County Louth and County Down and it will be undertaken jointly by Michael Loughran and Raymond Megaw.   The membership was pleased that the annual event is spread right around the Island of Ireland.

36th Annual Rally:             Short discussion on the possibility of holding our 2025 event in the West of Ireland.    Thomas Connor had let it be known through the office of the secretary that he would be willing to host an event for the club whenever a suitable date was raised.  The matter will be considered at the next AGM. 

There being no further business the meeting then ended.

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