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Our annual subscription is a mere €10.00 and it is payable within the calendar year.

A member is one whose subscription is paid. The latest date for payment of subscriptions is within the calendar year. Please do not wait until then!

We are an active Club and try to run an event on a monthly basis. For this our members get notifications of rallies and events being held throughout the year on a regular basis. We produce a Club’s newsletter entitled “The Irish T Times” each spring and autumn and now circulate a list of members on a bi-annual basis – those whose annual membership subscription is up to date.

The Irish Model T Ford Club comprises of members in the 32 counties of Ireland and in five International countries. Our Club caters exclusively for one make of Ford. A current subscription by a member fosters an important link between the present and the past.

Raymond Megaw

Club President

Membership applications and enquiries to the Secretary.

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