Youghal May 2014

The 8th Annual Blackwater T Run –

The annual Model T trip in West Waterford took place in Sunday 18 May 2014 and we had 19 T’s cars and commercials present. As usual we gathered at Ardsallagh Lodge, home of Tim and Elizabeth for morning coffee and tea before heading off for the day.

The weather did not look promising. Low grey clouds hung over Youghal Bay as we donned rainwear and made sure all hoods on Touring cars were secure as we got engines fired for the off!

Our first stop was in Villierstown for further refreshments. This is a really pretty little village but looked a bit sad as the drizzle had settled in well by then.

After our break we drove towards Dungarvan and having negotiated several roundabouts we found ourselves on the other side of the town and driving up to the sign for Helvick Head. Rain had eased at this stage and we parked up to enjoy the view of the bay spread out below us. A perfect place for some photographs and with much merriment and laughter we got our group photo for posterity and several others besides.

Tummies were beginning to rumble at that stage and we piled back into our T’s for the short journey to our lunch stop at the well known Seanachai Pub just off the N25. Lunch was well worth the journey and thoroughly enjoyed by all. Duly refreshed we recommenced our tour and reached Ardmore.

This is a delightful village which has featured regularly in the prizewinners list of the Tidy Towns Competitions over many years and driving through it is easy to see why. All the residents and businesses take great pride in the appearance of their property and there is a noticeable absence of litter in the vicinity.

We were now on the homeward leg of the journey. Before getting back to base however we had to pay a visit to Tim’s restoration project which we had visited last year. We are pleased to report steady progress is being made!

Thank you Tim and Elizabeth for a great day.

We look forward to next time

Happy T’ers at the Spring Rally in Youghal.

Photogrphs of our Ladies on out tour.

Eamon and Matthew

John and Paul

Mary and John

Marian and David

Paaul and our President Michael Rigney

Tim’s adventure

John and Pat

Ready to go

Traffic congestion inVillierstown

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