West Waterford May 2016

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Annual Blackwater Run Sunday 22nd May 2016
Hard to believe, but it is May and time for our Annual Blackwater Run, which takes us through lovely East Cork and West Waterford.
Approximately 15 Ts gathered at the home of Tim and Elizabeth on Sunday 22nd May. It was a beautiful sunny morning, even though we were promised rain later!!
The sun glistened on the calm waters of Youghal Bay and indeed all our cars were glistening too, in particular those of us who had been busy with the brass polish in readiness for the day! We were happy to welcome David & Kate two Australian T owners who arrived in Ireland for a holiday and joined us on the run.
As is our custom, we assembled in good time for our morning cuppa. Elizabeth always provides an excellent spread of goodies and this year did not disappoint. We set off on and our first stop was to Tim’s “Eternal Project” on the outskirts of Youghal, where we admired the progress since last year. Well done Tim.
Back on the road,we retraced our tracks and turned off the main road towards Clashmore and on to Villierstown where we had a brief stop for refreshments, music and a bit of dancing… as you do on a Sunday morning!
A few nasty black clouds appeared overhead as we prepared to continue so hoods were hastily put up and we set off again through the ornate gate and along the delightful Dromana Drive to Cappoquin. These roads are perfect for our cars and we motored along enjoying the sights and scents of the countryside all around us.
Of course, with cars as old as ours there is always a chance that Something Might Go Wrong and that in itself is part of the day. There are always willing hands to help, a spanner or two to hand and advice aplenty for anyone who happens to get stuck at the side of the road. Bob Clarke’s car suffered a puncture just before we got to Cappoquin but he was up and running in no time with the help of T comrades who joined in the wheel change proceedings.
Back on the road again, we drove through Cappoquin along the river to Lismore House Hotel where we enjoyed a delicious lunch followed by a musical interlude and a wander through the Sunday Market across the road.
Lismore is such a lovely place to spend some time. Apart from the magnificent Castle, which dominates the town, one can visit the Lismore Heritage Centre, St Carthage’s Church of Ireland Cathedral and the Millennium Park.
Our thanks to all the people who made the event go so smoothly. Firstly and most importantly, our hosts Tim and Elizabeth who always organise an enjoyable run, and have done so for the past 11 years and we hope will continue for at least 11 more!
Tim Crowley’s Rally Report is something that you might read and amuse yourself. Tim is a scribe extraordinary and has the capacity to pen an article that is factually correct, with amusing words of wisdom with a humorist twist. Well done and thanks Tim.
Tadhg Keane our recovery man. Dave Gleeson and Frank Keane who looked after parking and marshalling, not forgetting our accordion supremo Jerry Crowley.

We look forward to our next run in West Cork on Sunday 12th June with Mary and John O’Neill.