Stradbally August 2018

The August 2018 bank holiday week end was sunny and warm.  Record making crowds attended the annual steam festival. Our club hosted a stand where we had a static display of Model T Ford cars, commercials and agricultural vehicles.  Plenty of visitors turned up to see the 40 or so vehicles nicely prepared by their owners for the occasion. 

Our stand included a hospitality suite and catering facilities where Eleanor and her comrades dished up fresh home made cakes and scones much to the appreciation of our members and guests. At 3.00pm we were invited to parade our cars in the center arena much to the appreciation of the onlookers. We provided a voice over commentary to explain to our audience the background of our club, our vehicles and the importance of preserving our motoring heritage. 

Following a group photo shoot former club president Michael Rigney presented the event organisers John and Paul with Irish hand turned platters. Peter Duffy was awarded the best turned out T on the day. It truly was an enjoyable occasion.  We are grateful to our members, organisers and catering crew for making the event happen. 

Roll on 2019!   

Pictures of cars, steam engines and people here under for your enjoyment.

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