Sam’s Cross August 2016

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Sam’s Cross was the birth place of Michael Collins. He was born on 16th October 1890 and died on 22nd August 1922 at Beal an Blaith. Today, 21st August 2016, the President of Ireland becomes the first head of State to deliver an historic Michael Collins oration.
The Collins’ pub (no relation) called the Four Alls was the last place he stopped for a beverage and meeting with family and friends on that fateful day.
This is the background of our Model T trip to Sam’s Cross on Sunday 21st August 2016 because the locals had organised the visit of three very important vehicles with historical links to the past.
We were invited to display our Model Ts in the court yard of the Four Alls so that the gathering visitors could be entertained while we awaited the visit of Sliamh na mBan. The weather was misty and warm but pleasant nonetheless.
Before all of this we foregathered at the premises of Bandon Motors, Main Ford Dealers where we were greeted by proprietors and members Robert and Catherine Clarke. Their showroom had just undergone a makeover and we were delighted to be the first group of visitors to enjoy the setting, fresh sandwiches and late morning tea and coffee and admire the extensive range of new Ford cars and commercials.
We renewed acquaintances and chatted awhile until a little after two o’clock we set off in convoy to our destination. We ambled slowly through Clonakily where we were thrown by the splendid and welcoming townspeople and visitors. CLonakilty too has got a makeover and is well worth a visit. Just wondering is it the Capital of West Cork.
At the appointed hour we arrived at Sam’s Cross, parked up and dealt with questions and answers from the many interested visitors, holiday makers and Collins fans. We enjoyed fresh tea and apple tart provided by our hosts.
The next group of visitors were our equine friends with highly groomed ponies and polished carts who had spent the afternoon enjoying the West Cork countryside, low density of traffic and road conditions most suitable for horses or Model Ts. Thinking about it all, given it was a day of nostalgic, to see a parade of horses and a parade of Model Ts, one replacing the other, and today both standing side by side in harmony and tranquility.
Come five o’clock along came the RR Armoured Car, purring like a kitten and driven expertly by members of The Irish Army, who had recently restored this historical vehicle to perfection. One could be forgiven for commenting that we witnessed another makeover: surely a record for our Club: three in one day!
Given the occasion we could not let it happen where we would not take the group photograph. There were so many people milling around the celebretary vehicles that it was difficult to marshal all our group together. However, the photograph tells the tale: probably got most of them.
We agree that we return to base by 5.30pm to allow everyone to get home in daylight. Today was an exception as we did not depart until six thirty: we motored back to base in great style having been seen off by the masses. More sandwiches and refreshments at Bandon Motors and duly refreshed for our homeward journey.
Given that the notice was short and the gathering modest by our standards, nonetheless the Club appreciates the turn out and support for our guests. As always Robert and Catherine are super and generous hosts to whom we are most appreciative.
Their reward will come… we will make a presentation of an Irish Beech hand turned bowl to our hosts in September at the Autumn Run scheduled to take place on 18th September next.