Moynalty August 2017
We were invited by the good people of Moynalty in Co.Meath if we would bring along as many Ts as we could muster to help the steam threshing festival celebrate Ford 100 and John Brady volunteered to take up the organisation duties for us.
Our President presented John with gift from our Club, a hand turned 8 inch ash bowl with thanks.
We were pleased to have amongst us a good friend Mr. Cyril Hollingsworth from the Model T Register of Great Britain and Local member Anthony Molloy.
John Hendy is showing form here, with thanks to Paul
Our roving photographer took pictures here, there and everywhere, just to give viewers a taste of our day of enjoyment in Moynalty.
We were very pleased to have been received by Seamus Govern, our contact. John organised with him for an electrical and water point near our club/car stand. Frances and John provided tea & coffee & light refreshments.
The Show Committee also provided the Model T Group with Meal vouchers. Finally they commissioned a plaque and certificate to be given to each car owner on the day.